Gokhan Kaya ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Hi everyone, my name is Gokhan and I'm a (licenced) professional tour guide which covers Ephesus, Pamukkale,, Pergamon, Priene-Miletos-Didyma, Cappadocia, Ankara, Konya. I've been in tourism business for more than 16 years as incoming travel agent and it was always fascinating to be with the guests on field. Despite having hardwork at office to organize all, l couldnt stand anymore and decided to become a tour guide and spend more time with guests. I still have a tight schedule but l can help you to find a good local guides even if l cant attend your tour as your guide. You can ask me questions to shape your holiday/tours in country, dont hasitate to contact me.

Sprachen Englisch
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