Shirkhan Salmanov ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Aserbaidschan

I can drive you safely around Baku by my car

many restaurants and museums

less worry more rest

My name is shirkhan

If you want to get good experience with your trip call me . I can take you around the Baku safely by my car

If you choose to go with me I will be happy.

There are some places in Baku you exactly seem .

Sprachen Englisch, Türkisch

Touristenmeinung (1)

ulvi Huseynzade
21 FEB 2024
Shirkhan is nice and friendly guy,he showed us the historical places in Baku
and modern shyts Baku, we were gabala. and Shaki he showed us attractions. ....... It was really difficult to say goodbye,
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