Oncy Oni ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indonesien


I work on this tour. with my family we had an amazing Experience on your journey to stay in the jungle with the native Mentawai people to learn about our culture, traditions and way of life in the jungle. Mentawai culture and jungle trekking is a very unique program of culture and nature. The Mentawai tradition is also known as the Arat Sabulungan religion. The philosophy that we have kept for centuries from our ancestors and made the Mentawai really fit with our nature (the jungle), and they all have a connection with their spirit and soul. For the Mentawai people, we believe that the forest has always been a place where everything from plants, rocks, animals, rivers to treetops, they have souls and act like humans.

Mentawai Tourism was founded by my company which has been very well acquired and successful in the travel industry. My experienced and friendly staff is on a mission to show you the right Mentawai for you to have a new experience I am very happy that I organized your trip in Mentawai which is honest, safe and friendly. I offer things to do in the (Mentawai Islands)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me thanks

Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch

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