Lance Elliott ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

Hi, I am an accredited Cultural and Sightseeing guide for Cape Town and surrounding areas. My add-on accreditation is that I'm a Certified Close protection officer with experience looking after Executives.

I'm passionate about my beautiful country and multi-cultural fellow South Africans and would love to share our history, culture, sights delicious food and wine experiences with you. Whether you just like long scenic drives or maybe some Ebiking through lush green farm vineyards, I'd be honored to be your trustworthy, friend whilst in SA...

I can offer numerous tours and am always open to mix things up if you have any exciting ideas..Option ideas are meting up with paragliders, maybe a boat cruise or helicopter flip..

Sprachen Afrikaans, Englisch
Währungen Rand (ZAR)

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