Ajith Wickramasinghe ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Sri Lanka

I am Ajith, Graduated in management Studies ( B.Sc. Mgt. ) and a National tourist Guide licensed by Sri Lanka Tourist Development Authority. A National Tourist Guide Lecturer is the highest grade tourist guide found in Sri Lanka. I am a Nature Lover who interested culture and extensive travel through the different locations and destinations while exploring and sharing unforgettable experiences in rich bio diversity , eco systems, Nature and culture enriched with over 2500 years recorded history , authentic Sri Lankan cuisine and hospitality with my guests. I can do cover all over the Sri Lanka round tours or multi day tours as you interested , Please contact me for any customised tours you may interested to travel , feel and enjoy unforgettable experience in Sri Lanka - a tropical paradise Island - your dreamed holiday destination, Lets explore together. Thank you for selecting me as your tour Guide in Sri Lanka for your dream Holiday destination

Sprachen Englisch, Sinhala, Sinhalese
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