SALAH ZAKI ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Jordanien

Hello, I am salah. I work as a freelance tour operator. Tour operator and interpreter for foreign visitors Especially visitors who come for the first time and what they are exposed to a rise in prices and lack of knowledge of the beautiful tourist places that come in the list of the best and most beautiful attractions in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan did not frequented by visitors to the lack of knowledge As I said the goal is not materially All I want is to serve the tourists in my country and make my own in front of the eyes of others image .And also i'm doing tours to all the places such as Aqaba - Wadi Rum - Petra which are wonders of the world seven - Karak - Amman - Madaba - Mount Nebo - Ma'in - the Dead Sea - the bath - the eyes of Moses - Jerash - Ajloun - Irbid visitors to customers And also therapeutic,and therapeutic trips to the Dead Sea - and Ofra pools - and Maeen pools I can make tours with affordable prices. I have diving, snorkeling, glass boats trips. Also have tours to aqaba , wadi rum, petra, amman.

All my tours are custom-made to fit my guests’ interests and of course their budget. I don’t offer ready-made packages. The itinerary is put together in full consultation with my guests, taking into consideration the type of party; children, religion, special interests, time available, etc. At the end of the planning a full and comprehensive presentation will be provided containing the prices of the guiding and the extras.

I specialize in private tours for families and seniors are correlated to their individual taste.

My guiding can be in English. You are welcome to contact me for a tour in all jordan, with my van or without it. Walking tours Private tours Family tours Senior’s tours

If there's anybody out there to visit me in aqaba, and probably all of jordan, you're very welcome. I am in aqaba at present which is an amazing city with lovely people.I consider myself as an easy going person, young in my mind.Anyone going to jordan?anyone would like to cross borders around Jordan . and it would be nice to have someone who wants to come along! and im just super fantastic and funny .

I can make interesting and exciting trips in Aqaba and all of jordan Jordan..Accompany tourists and visitors to the obstacle and cheap shops to do shopping and hotel reservations, moderate price with the presence of the tents set up on the sea Hatie to enjoy sleeping on the shore of the sea with exciting concerts food on the principle referred

I based in Aqaba, that’s why I know all the places and wonders of my beautiful city,

I’m active and hard worker, my information will captivate you and it will help me to tell you a lot about the secrets of Jordan.

My prices are so fair without hidden cost you will never see it anywhere.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dinar (JOD)

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