Aphrodite Tafil ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nordmazedonien

After I graduated in Tourism and Hotel management, I started working as a tour guide and I am owner and founder BALKAN EXPLORE. I love traveling and exploring different cultures. I already visited 47 countries in the world and still planning my next travels. I’m curious and accurate, so I try to learn as much as possible about the areas where I am. Art and history have always accompanied me, and now, I can update myself constantly discovering something exciting every day. If you’re looking for a sunny person, competent and cheerful, I’m ready to lead you anywhere…

If you want to enjoy your stay in Macedonia, let me arrange your trip! I am an experienced guide with a very positive life position, kind sense of humor and rich work experience. I can arrange all you need starting from individual ancestry tours as well as business, diplomatic connections and various international events for large number of guests. Accommodations, sightseeing, interpreting, transportation, meals and other required services in Skopje and Macedonia.

I can be your business match-maker and assistant if you are looking for business opportunities in Macedonia. Safety, transparency, reliability and decent price are guaranteed. Safe and reliable transport from standard up to luxurious class, cars, minivans and buses for small and large number of guests.

I am looking forward to showing you why I love what I do!

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Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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