Raluca Tudose ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Rumänien

Hello Traveler!

You came all the way here, hearing many stories and legends regarding Romania. Your private tour guide is waiting to show you the highlights of Bucharest - from the streets of restored Old City Center, the grand architecture of the beautiful houses situated on the Dorobanți Street, to the Parliament Palace - 3.76 milions square feet, the worlds second largest building.

I will be your personal guide to Bucharest, I will help you discover the buzzing cultural scene - 37 museums, 22 theatres, Opera House, 18 art galleries, Romanian Athenem. All at you choice.

Important! Your private tour can be customized to include exactly what you want to see and do in Bucharest.

Sprachen Englisch, rumänisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Leu (RON)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Hamed Alaei
20 JUN 2023
Amazing tour for the beautiful city of Bucharest. The tour was perfect. The tour took place mostly in the old town of Bucharest and The Village Museum of Bucharest. Raluca Tudose guide was amazing and knowledgeable. She told a lot of interesting information regarding Bucharest's history. Great tour!! Definitely recommend to anyone new or old to the city! Highly recommended. Raluca Tudose was very knowledgeable and informative.
Tim Ottesen
03 DEZ 2023
We had a very lovely dag in Bucharest❤️and learned or lot off the history off Bucharest.☺️
Raluca was a great guide🤗
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