natalia Ayma ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Peru


Hello!! My name is Natalia. I am a self-taught tour guide based in Lima. I have a background in fashion, arts, and business, which you can take advantage of by having me as your personal shopper or stylist in Lima. Recently, I completed my pedagogy studies at the university with flying colors. I've also been working as a tutor and interning at a travel agency based in Cusco.

I pride myself on being honest, trustworthy, kind, respectful, and understanding of cultural differences. I value my integrity and strive to do my best, although I am not perfect. Whether you are travelling alone or in a group, I will take care of you as my guest in Lima.

I have an upper-intermediate level in English, a basic level in Japanese, and I am a native Spanish speaker. Being a Peruvian girl who has lived in Lima for most of my life, I know numerous amazing spots to show you. You will leave the country with unforgettable life experiences that you can share with your friends and family. In fact, you may not want to leave or will want to come back soon.

Please feel free to contact me to schedule tours for you.

Sprachen Englisch, japanisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Nuevo Sol (PEN)

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