Sporah Msophe ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tansania

Hello there I am sporah a tour guide in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. a single mother of one who loves nature. I Specialize in day trips to Mikumi and Selous National park, and city tours in Dar es salaam and its suburbs. Depending on the time you have available you can book a 4 hours City tour or 8 hours (full day) City tour. I have a special package business tour for those visiting for business purposes. We have day trips to Mbudya and Bongoyo Islands Trips to Mikumi and Selous National Park for wildlife, walking safari and boat safari. Pugu hills for hiking, canoeing and bat watching,  Cultural tour in Bagamoyo, Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

Sprachen Englisch, Suaheli
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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