Naif Azab ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Saudi Arabien

Hi! I am NAIF, a tour guide with a creative mind who is absolutely fascinated by the Saudi vibe and lifestyle. I was born and raised in Jeddah city but have spent a couple of years in Riyadh.

I spend my days getting lost in the streets of Jeddah and discovering new hidden places to read a book, take pictures, or just relax for a while. I also like discovering new experiences in gastronomy, because this city is definitely a foodie one.

Come join me on a tour and I will show you that every tiny stone which builds this city has an amazing story behind it and I will make you find out why it is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable cities in the world!!!

So, if you want to enjoy great photos, and learn all about the culture of the Saudi people, choose me as your guide and I will love to be your host ツ

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Riyal (SAR)

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