Mariya Danilovich ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Russland

  • English
  • Русский

Hello, dear friends! My name is Mariya, I am a native Muscovite and I really love my native town!

I will be glad to introduce my author developed tours of Moscow! I promise that you will have unforgettable time wile visiting Moscow!

I am an official Tour Guide-translator and a member of the Association of Guides-Translators of Moscow. I am also a certified English teacher. I have been arranging and guiding tours (walking, bus, cruises) for many years for foreign guests.

The main thing to me is to make an individual approach to every tour and my guests say that I have achieved a real success in it!

Hello, dear friends! My name is Mariya, I am a native Muscovite and I really love my native town!

I will be glad to introduce my author developed tours of Moscow! I promise that you will have unforgettable time wile visiting Moscow!

I am an official Tour Guide-translator and a member of the Association of Guides-Translators of Moscow. I am also a certified English teacher. I have been arranging and guiding tours (walking, bus, cruises) for many years for foreign guests.

The main thing to me is to make an individual approach to every tour and my guests say that I have achieved a real success in it!

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rubel (RUB)

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