VICTOR KOMISSAROV ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Armenien

Dear guests of our Armenia,

We work as a private, both classic and extreme guides. With great pleasure we will acquaint you with the history and legends of this ancient country. We will overcome the way through the most extraordinary and beautiful places in Armenia, taste the national cuisine, get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the Armenian people.On our prepared off-road cars w e will drive you through inaccessible mountainous areas, see high-mountainous freshwater lakes, petroglyphs (rock carvings), as well as extinct volcanoes and many more...

We also organize expeditions to ARARAT MOUNTAIN to give our guest unforgettable experience to hike this legendary last resting place of Noah's Ark. ARARAT mountain raises its higher top over 5000 meters over the sea level.I live in Armenia for a long time.

At first, going out for trips to nature was like a hobby for me, but since 2011 it has become for me a gorgeous job that I love and do with great pleasure.

Your sincerely, Viktor

Sprachen Armenisch, Englisch, Polieren, Russisch
Währungen Rubel (RUB), Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dram (AMD)

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