Carl Mesilio ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Gibraltar

Hello! My name is Carl and I'm a Gibraltarian who has been born and raised in Gibraltar. I am bilingual in English and Spanish.

I have been a private tour guide ever since I was trained and certified by the Gibraltar Tourist Board in 2004, providing my clients with a professional and experienced excursion around Gibraltar.

My Rock tours are provided in a luxurious eight seater minivan with air-conditioning and in superb condition. As for languages my vehicle is equipped with a multimedia system offering the tour in French, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Czech & Russian This will ensure that the majority of my customers who don't understand the languages that I speak, will benefit from the multimedia system.

I am very professional in my job and I consider myself a very pleasant person who enjoys socialising with my clients. I am always very eager to provide customers with an interesting and enjoyable tour making sure they are happy and satisfied at the end of the trip. At the same time, I feel a great sense of fulfillment knowing my customers are contented with the tour I have provided.

Gibraltar History, Sightseeing & Attractions

My tours are perfect for visitors who want a detailed overview of the history of Gibraltar and who enjoy sightseeing and visiting various attractions, such as meeting our "Barbary Macaques", considered by many to be the top tourist attraction in Gibraltar.

Apart from enjoying my job what I find most rewarding in my profession is the amount of different people I have met from all over the world throughout the years.

My tours also known as (shore excursions) are mainly done by travellers who arrive on a daily visit to Gibraltar. Many come on cruise liners whilst others come on a day trip from Spain.

Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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