Mustafa Adam Zanzibar ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tansania

I'm Mustafa Sulaiman, a professional - yet friendly - Zanzibar tour guide, with more than 5 years of experience in local tourism, licensed by the Comission for Tourism Zanzibar to organize guided tours and safaris in Zanzibar and Tanzania. I speak fluently 3 foreign languages: English, Italian and German and I gladly teach anyone willing to learn some Swahili basics. I love Zanzibar, my motherland, and I want to share its beauty with you. My main goal is to provide safe and memorable guided tours on the island of Zanzibar or Tanzania. Once you choose my services as your guide in Zanzibar, during your holiday I will be 24/7 available for you, for any request, inquiries or emergencies.

I will organize for you and your family or friends professional guided tours in both Zanzibar island and Tanzania mainland. Either you want to visit Stone Town or Prison Island, do some snorkeling or kitesurfing, visit our famous spice plantations or discover cultural treasures - you can do all these activities guided by a professional who will take care of all the logistics, so you can enyoy you holiday to the max. Please welcome

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Suaheli
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Schilling (TZS)

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