Melina Nwog ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Frankreich


French National License for Professional Guides by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

-MA History- Queen Mary University of London

London & BSc Political Science.

Paris is one of the most exciting cities I have lived in, with her history inciting an emotional roller coaster, and as an Art and Politics historian, I am prone to wanting to discover what lies beneath.

Allow me to help you explore the evolution of art history and make analysis, let us discover the Iron Lady, the Iconic Cathedrals, the Palaces that set a pace for contemporary architecture, let us discuss the royal controversies and peasant gossips, or find out how the likes of Jim Morrison, Josephine Baker, Oscar Wilde, Hemingway amongst others ended in Paris, and even dive into the underworld that lies beneath the city.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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