santiago hincapie ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kolumbien

Hello! I am Santiago Hincapie, I am a student of International Relations and Political Science at the Military University of Nueva Granada, I live in Bogotá, Colombia but I was born in the department of Boyacá. I have been living in Bogotá for more than 10 years, also with my career it has given me enough knowledge to talk about different events around my city emphasizing political events (like the assassination of an important politician named Gaitán that was the beginning of the violence In colombia). Also, I have had experience guiding people around my city teaching them my culture. I decided to become a tour guide because I am passionate about showing my city and meeting new people who bring me something new every day, so go ahead and enjoy my tour!

Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch

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