Ajamsher Najevullozoda ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Usbekistan, Tadschikistan

  • English
  • Русский

Hi dear friend!If you want to see the beautiful nature,pleasent lakes and rivers, hospitable people, ancient traditions, sightseeing places,you should come to the paradise of the world-Tajikistan and see all this with your own eyes.

I am Ajamsher.I was born in a beautifull and green village of Ruknobod.The village has more good capacity for tourism field.Since my childhood I had interest to travel and speak with foreign tourists.When tourists came to our village , I saw them and wanted to travel with them, because I loved to travel since I was a child. In this regard, I wanted to work in this field.Since 2018 I have been working in tourism field as cooker, supervisor, guide-interpreter.

Welcome to the heart of Central Asia.The

Paradise of the World-Sunny Tajikistan

Hi dear friend!If you want to see the beautiful nature,pleasent lakes and rivers, hospitable people, ancient traditions, sightseeing places,you should come to the paradise of the world-Tajikistan and see all this with your own eyes.

I am Ajamsher.I was born in a beautifull and green village of Ruknobod.The village has more good capacity for tourism field.Since my childhood I had interest to travel and speak with foreign tourists.When tourists came to our village , I saw them and wanted to travel with them, because I loved to travel since I was a child. In this regard, I wanted to work in this field.Since 2018 I have been working in tourism field as cooker, supervisor, guide-interpreter.

Welcome to the heart of Central Asia.The Paradise of the World-Sunny Tajikistan

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch, Tajik
Währungen Dollar (USD), Somoni (TJS), Euro (EUR)

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