Abbas Niasti ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran


My name is Abbas Niasti and I'm a licensed tour guide who work as a local driver guide in Gilan and Mazandaran provinces where all sightseeing like Masule , Rodkhan castle, Rural heritage museum, Tea farms , Anzali lagoon and many other attractions are located in these evergreen provinces. I would love to introduce you to this breathtaking experience when you visit them along with me . WhatsApp : +989111947196


Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Rial (IRR)

Exkursionen (8)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Salih IRAQ
24 APR 2023
The best tourist guide in Rasht is Abbas. He speaks English well and if there were any problems, he can deal with them in a perfect way. He is modest and kind. Well trusted and he makes good tours in his city Rasht.
Anna Kaderabkova
25 APR 2023
Abbas is the best tour guide in Iran. Besides his excellent English and extensive and deep knowledge of the region, he is also very capable manager of any issues on the road and traveller's needs. Very communicative and friendly, spreading positive mood all around.
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