Vagner Delgado ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kap Verde

  • English
  • Français

The portraits of the island of Boa Vista always paint the white sands of the extensive beaches with palm trees that make up a bucolic living postcard that leaves no one indifferent.

There are 55 kilometers of unusually white sand that contrast with the blue waters that only Cape Verde has to offer.

And the hottest thing about Boa Vista are the people who bring (morabeza) in their hearts, a spirit of hospitality and genuine kindness that covers the entire archipelago.

I invite you to discover this island from north to south from Santa Monica beach, which is one of the most beautiful beaches in Cape Verde with a length of 13 kilometers, to the Viana desert with a 5 kilometer stretch of sand from the Sahara desert.

The best tour guide in Boavista island

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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