Hridoy Hossain ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Bangladesch

I am a Tour guide Hridoy Hossain While the excited & anxious tourists embark on their Journey, i prepare for their arrival, i will have carefully considered the prior knowledge of my tourist and what they will need to know wheen they arrive at the last tour destination.

In order to ensure that my tour is engaging and meaningful, i must map out the desire destination in which we are going possible challenge and pit stops, i will be adaptable on this journey as unexpected event such as Weather, transportation issue and unplanned events will more then likely place, i will also have the knowledge required to guide the tourists on such journey.

Ensured safekeeping and enjoyment of visitors within the property.

Ensured that visitors are treated with utmost courtesy with all members of the team.

Lead interesting tours to various groups.

Assisted with the security of the venue and ensured safety of audience.

Liaised with other members of the team to determine audience feedback.

Organized activities and team building exercises for children and adults.

Sprachen Englisch, hindi
Währungen Dollar (USD), Taka (BDT)

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