Rita Baptista ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Portugal


My Name is Rita, born and raised in Lisbon And I'm a proudly certified Guide in Portugal and real estate Agent in this amazing country!

I graduated from Psychology University in 2006 and, 4 years, later I decided to get back into studying. This time I chose Tourism, and, since I graduated, I started working as a guide and never stop since then! For me, it is the best job I ever had :)

My wish is to make you feel all the unique details of this fairytale country the way I proudly do, welcoming you as a friend, however always assuring professional, original and interesting tours.

All my tours were carefully designed to better show my customers the real Portuguese life, history, and culture.

You can choose the one that better suits your interests or we can create together a tailored experience, everything at your own pace.

I can guide you on a walking tour or if you prefer, I also provide tours with my own transportation included (private car, minivan or minibus).

What do I like more about my tours? To meet people from all over the world and share unforgettable experiences.

There are lots of magic and unique spots in Portugal where I can take you on a tour! Let me know about you, your interests and ideas. . . and according to that, I will work on your time in Lisbon, making it memorable!

Can't wait to meet you! :)

Hire me and you'll never forget your stay in Lisbon!

See you soon!

Sprachen Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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