Hassan Ahmed ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kenia

I am a Kenyan. I have been working at New Kenya Lodge, which is a famous backpackers' place.

I have been dealing with tourists from different countries; I have been guiding them for 18 years.

I have also been selling to tourists some African artifacts, handicrafts, twine bags, jewelry, and old artifacts.

I have been showing most tourists some African villages, as well as my local village on the coast, Shimla Hills, which is situated on the south coast of Kenya.

My village is close to Shimla Hills National Park, which has all the big five wild animals: giraffes, zebras, lions, buffaloes, and elephants, as well as all types of reptiles.

The area has lush green rolling hills and abundant forests, and its landscape is very green.

within my village, there is a hot water spring which is very fun and full of swimming in it. Currently, it has not yet been visited by many tourists; there are only two travelers/tourists.

I am a very honest person, and I have even handled a lot of money sent to me by my clients who buy artifacts through me to sell to their countries: France, Canada, the UK, and Israel.

whereby I used to ship to them 20/40ft shipping containers worth lots of money.

Sprachen Englisch, Suaheli
Währungen Dollar (USD), Schilling (KES)

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