Elena Semenova ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Russland

Hello there! My name is Elena and I'm your tour leader :)

I'm a professional linguist with English as my 1st language and German as the 2nd one.

As well I'm a travel lover and I have visited more than 7 countries. Therefore, I understand it quite well how it feels to be completely alone in a foreign country.

More than traveling, I love helping people - it really makes me inspired.

Profession wise, it's already the 2nd year running of me being a tour leader here in Russia and I also have 7 years of experience in customer service area under my belt.

All my clients are satisfied with the quality of my services and with the most of them we remain friends.

So, I am glad to offer you my help as a tour leader.

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Währungen Euro (EUR), Rubel (RUB)

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