mohamed Elmansouri ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

Official Guide In Morocco.

The services of an official tourist guide, you save the organization of your stay without forgetting his encyclopedia of historical cultural baggage that accompanies you.


Guida ufficiale in Marocco.

I servizi di una guida turistica ufficiale, si salva l'organizzazione del soggiorno senza dimenticare la sua enciclopedia di bagaglio culturale storico che ti accompagna.


Guía oficial en Marruecos.

Los servicios de una guía turística oficial, le salvan la organización de su estancia sin olvidar su enciclopedia de bagaje cultural histórico que le acompaña.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Exkursionen (7)

Touristenmeinung (3)

Eric Kochner
12 AUG 2023
Thank you Mr. EL MANSOURI for everything you did for me and my family during our imperial visit to Morocco.

Merci M. EL MANSOURI pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour moi et ma famille pendant notre visite imperial au maroc.

Gracias Sr. EL MANSOURI por todo lo que ha hecho por mí y mi familia durante nuestra visita imperial a Marruecos.

Vielen Dank, Herr EL MANSOURI, für alles, was Sie während unseres kaiserlichen Besuchs in Marokko für mich und meine Familie getan haben.
Elizabeth Landau
19 AUG 2023
The services of an official tourist guide, you save the organization of your stay without forgetting his encyclopedia of historical cultural baggage that accompanies you.

Thank you Mr. EL MANSOURI for everything you did for me and my family during our imperial visit to Morocco.
19 AUG 2023
I wanted to thank Mr. EL MANSOURI MOHAMED, our tourist guide, for the organization of our circuit in Marrakech. I was able to see many historical and cultural sites and know many secrets of Morocco. MOHAMED EL MANSOURI is a reliable and precise person, he knew how to meet our expectations. I recommend it to all tourists who want to visit their country.
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