Bahoui Khalid ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

  • English
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Morocco Tour Guide is extensive experience in the tourism field. My first and most essential duty is to ensure your comfort, satisfaction and well being. With the diversity of itineraries we have available, we are able to make you enjoy the journey of your dreams which fulfill your passions and likes. Morocco sahara desert-tours | hiking trekking, ski tours and mountain biking ), your visit to Morocco will be unforgettable experience and a lifetime memorie.

Morocco Tour Guide is extensive experience in the tourism field. My first and most essential duty is to ensure your comfort, satisfaction and well being. With the diversity of itineraries we have available, we are able to make you enjoy the journey of your dreams which fulfill your passions and likes. Morocco sahara desert-tours | hiking trekking, ski tours and mountain biking ), your visit to Morocco will be unforgettable experience and a lifetime memorie.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Exkursionen (9)

Touristenmeinung (3)

Elizabeth Landau
15 AUG 2023
All thanks and gratitude to Mr. Khaled, our tour guide, during our current visit to some cities and regions in Morocco. He was very courteous to me, my kids, and the rest of my family. Thank you for accepting my stubborn mother-in-law, and we know that you agreed with her in her choices and discussions, despite her tyrannical dictatorship, just to make her happy. Well done, that's why we all commend you as a tour guide of absolute excellence.
15 AUG 2023
Thanks to Mr. Khaled, our tour guide in Morocco. I like this summary you wrote:
Morocco Tourist Guide has extensive experience in the field of tourism. My first and foremost duty is to ensure your comfort, satisfaction and well-being. With the variety of itineraries available to us, we are able to make you enjoy your dream trip that meets your desires and likes. Morocco desert tours | Hiking trips, ski tours and mountain biking), your visit to Morocco will be an unforgettable experience and will remain in your imagination for a lifetime.
Eric Kochner
15 AUG 2023
Thanks to Mr. Khaled, our tour guide in Morocco. I like this summary you wrote:
Morocco Tourist Guide has extensive experience in the field of tourism. My first and foremost duty is to ensure your comfort, satisfaction and well-being. With the variety of itineraries available to us, we are able to make you enjoy your dream trip that meets your desires and likes. Morocco desert tours | Hiking trips, ski tours and mountain biking), your visit to Morocco will be an unforgettable experience and will remain in your imagination for a lifetime.
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