Khonzoda Adilova ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Usbekistan

  • English
  • Русский

I am an expert guide and tour organizer!

I do tours only in English as a guide and tour operator!

As a tour organizer, I am able to provide other languages If we have available guides in your languages.

I have special itinerary according to your budget and interests. If you choose me Let's discuss and make plan for you.

I try to arrange your trip according to your budget for reasonable price .

I will make discount for full day 🤗😇 If you want to see my guiding history. I uploaded all to excursion page, where you can find my brilliant reviews!

If you want to have the best trip, Let us manage and make plan before your coming!

Firstly, Aks Price after suiting the charges I will give full detailed information!

I don't want to waste my time.

I can manage your tour package services:





Train tickets

Flight tickets

To lead Interesting places.

To make your trip plans

All Cities











Classic city tours

Mountains (sport hiking and relaxable mountains)

Religious tours

For groups and individual tours also are offered by me 🇺🇿

I am a tour organizer in Uzbekistan

Sprachen Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, persisch, ...
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (13)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Reto Koch
23 MÄR 2024
I had an amazing city tour in Tashkent with Khonzoda (Hanna) today. She was very kind and helpful, organized a very comfortable car and guided me very well to all the interesting sites in town. She brought me to local places full of energy and color, and let me try various local dishes and delights. Perfect organization, all on time and I can only highly recommend Hanna, not only for Tashkent, but all of Uzbekistan.
Eric Eller
28 MÄR 2024
Khonzoda (Hanna) customized a very long day tour of Tashkent for us and it was simply amazing. She was organized, professional, and completely knowledgable about the country and the history of the sites that we visited. But even more impressive was how she made us feel like we were visiting a good friend, sharing not only history but local customs, exploring food and culture, and having laughs with market vendors and others we met along the way. Hanna, and our driver, never tired of our questions and showed us a wonderful time all the way until dropping us at the airport for our late night departure. I give Hanna my highest recommendation.
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