Yusbel Tejeda Piña ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kuba

  • English
  • Deutsch

Hello! I'm a TourGuide in Havana,Cuba. I do the Tours in English and Spanish languages(City Tours) I used to work as a DeskClerk in a Hotel but I found more interesting showing the foreign visitors part of the Capital City as well as its Culture,History and Traditions. I'm 45 years old,charismatic and responsible.Wish you enjoy!!

Hello! I'm a TourGuide in Havana. I do the Tours in English and Spanish languages(City Tours) I used to work as a DeskClerk in a Hotel but I found more interesting showing the foreign visitors part of the Capital City as well as its Culture,History and Traditions. I'm 44 years old,charismatic and responsible.Wish you enjoy!!

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