Ahmed Nashaat khayal ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten


I am an Egyptologist Tour Guide, enjoying guiding our beloved Egypt visitors and being able to create unforgettable experiences for my clients who will be feel at home and among their family members.

My aim just to leave amazing impression and great memories which will make my clients repeat their visit, beside enriching my clients with a full explanation of all Archeological sites starting from prehistory passing by the pharoahs till ended with the modern history.

All kinds of trips (Adventure, Culture, Camping, cruising in Nile River, Entertainment, Religious) will be handled in an easy and comfort way convenient my clients.

All booking will be handed on private basis, so you can enjoy your time, privacy secured as well needs well fulfilled.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Pfund (EGP)

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