Ouadil Mbark ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

Welcome to Marrakesh! On this guided walking tour, we will explore the vibrant city and learn about its fascinating history.

We'll start our journey in the Jemaa el-Fnaa, the bustling main square in the heart of the old city. As we wander through the narrow alleyways, you'll be captivated by the stunning architecture and colorful markets.

Along the way, we'll visit the famous Koutoubia Mosque, the Saadian Tombs, the Palais Bahia, and the Ben Youssef Madrasa. We'll also take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful Majorelle Garden and explore the vibrant souks of the old Medina. Here, you'll find an array of spices, textiles, and handicrafts.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dirham (MAD)

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