Janja Benedik ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Slowenien

As a biologist, I specialize in nature tours and organize excursions throughout Slovenia. If you want to explore special natural phenomena in Slovenia, I am the right person to guide you. Of course, we also always come into contact with interesting history, local cuisine, architecture and legends.

Sprachen Englisch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Währungen Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (1)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Dina Khuffash
17 MÄR 2024
Now i have a new friend in slovenia
She was a great help arranged a full week of great activities
Very adaptable of the weather and my needs
Super nice and super friendly
Perfect english
Great car

Love her , she is not a guide any more, now she is a friend
Highly recommended
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