Kevin Hwang ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südkorea

Are you looking for experienced professional private tour guide? Let's take a Insights Korea tour with KEVIN.

What I offer

◇ Prosumer Tour for Couple and Family

- Royal Palace & Hitorical Site

- Hiking & Sightseeing

- Ski tours

- DMZ Tour

- Modern Site & Amusement park

- Insights Korea & Culture Tours

- and "YOU Tailor Travel"

My Background, Licenses and certificates

I am official Korean tour guide licensed by Korean government KTO(Korea Tourism Organization) since 1996. I have been working as GoodWill Guide and ptivate guide from that moment.

I am enjoying private tour guide. Because I can provide best sincere guiding service for tourists who want to know and experience Korea(ROK, South Korea).

My Service is as follows:

S: Smile (happy together)

S: Speed (timely)

S: Sincerity (from the bottom of my heart)

I have long experience as Korea travel guide and office worker for Telco(Telecom company), so I can provide more unique guiding services and interesting viewpoints. Those viewpoints are based on facts, of course. This will make your tour more enjoyable, informative and memorable .

♡ BA, Tourism Management at Kyonggi University(First Ranking Tourism University).

Please feel free to contact me to check availability.

Best Regards,

Kevin Hwang

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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