HERNAN ESQUIVEL CASANOVA ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Mexiko


I'am a Licensed tourguide in history, culture and nature of Mexico since 2008. In addition i have a scuba dive certification and CPR and first aid response as well. I've been guiding travelers up tu 20 persons, familys and couples doing one day tours and multidays tours, citys and states like Mexico city, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan Peninsula and the riviera Maya. As well as other countries like Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belice and Cuba. Visiting archaeological sites, natural parks, biosphere reserves, reef snorkeling, whaleshark snorkeling, jungle hikes, treking, bycicle tours, photography tours, wildlife tours and birdwatching. My backround, knowledge and experience will guarantee that you and your family will have a fantastic and fun day with accurate and solid information

Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch
Währungen Peso (MXN)

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