Derek Spillane ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Irland

I am an accredited National Tour Guide and SPSV licenced limousine driver.I have a BA (Hons.) Degree in History and Heritage Studies and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Training.

I was honoured to be former Chairman of the Galway Tour Guides Association and I'm currently a member of ATGI, The Association of Tour Guides of Ireland.

I can trace my Galwegian roots back to 1776 to the Aran Islands, and I can assist you trace your Irish roots if required. Throughout my life, I have travelled extensively around the world and realised the value of a good guide in bringing a place alive. I resolved back then to become a professional guide one day and show visitors the places I feel are unique and special. I was born in a Gaelic speaking area and would love to share a few words with you and share my passion for history and folklore.


●I hold a BA (Frist Class Honours) Degree in History and Heritage Studies

●Postgraduate Diploma in Education, achieving a Distinction in my Level 9 Postgraduate Degree.

●I am a fully accredited Failte Ireland Natiinal Tour Guide and have been offering guided tours since 2012.

●I have full public liability insurance and hold a B and D1 full drivers license.

●My expertise includes Ireland's history, archaeology, architecture, literature, folklore, and folklife (including Ireland's food heritage).

● I live in Galway City with my family by the sea.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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