Mohamad Abdelaziz Moustafa ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

Hello everyone I am mohamed from Egypt 🇪🇬 the land of the Pharaoh's, I have been giving tours for more than 15 years now as I am passionate about the history of Egypt and its culture. I am authorized Egyptian tour guide and egyptologist

I could organize trips in all Egypt 🇪🇬 with good prices, ( including, hotels, cars and guide ) my moto is save more and get more.

Kindly don't hesitate to ask me about any thing in egypt.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Best regards ✨ ❤


Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, Italienisch, rumänisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pfund (GBP)

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