Radek Carboch ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tschechien

My name is Radek, I'm a freelance tour guide and a native of Prague. I know the city like the back of my hand and will be happy to tell you stories about its history.

I give walking tours for small groups in English on topics of interest to you, the visitor, and of significance to me. I offer a personal approach, in-depth knowledge of the subject, interesting interpretation and a little extra, all at a regular price.

I was born in Prague in 1973 and have lived here almost all my life. . I am an experienced Prague guide with an official professional licence. During my university studies, I obtained a Master's degree in Religious Studies and a PhD in Sociology. In addition to my work as a tourist guide, I am still active in the field of academic research.

I live in Prague with my supportive wife. We have two grown-up daughters. My interests include history, literature, film, music and much more. One of my greatest pleasures is a walk around Prague. I would be delighted if you would join me on one of my walks so that together we can experience the unique atmosphere and history of Prague.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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