Andy xinPing ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in China


Hi everyone, my name is Andy from Beijing China. Nice to meet you.

I have been working as a private tour guide since 2006, and I got my English tour guide license in 2008 and my intermediate English tour guide license in 2015. I have helped many clients on business and private trips in China.

As an experienced tour guide, I would now like to specialize in providing high quality private tours for free travelers in Beijing and neighboring cities (Tianjin, Datong, Chengde), and tailor-made tours according to your specific requirements and needs.

My tours are based on saving your time, saving your money and guaranteeing your safety Showing you the city's humanistic history and specialty foods

I am a cheerful, talkative, enthusiastic, patient, humorous and caring person. My hobbies are tasting various cuisines, traveling, reading and swimming.

I live in Beijing and would love to share my knowledge of this fascinating, ancient and modern city and stories of popular attractions. My desire is to help my clients create an experience that will make them fall in love with China, its culture and its people.

Whether you are visiting Beijing for the first time or multiple times, I create different programs depending on the time of year, season, number of people and preferences of your trip.

In addition to the regular Beijing World Heritage routes, I can also design cultural tours for you and your family, or lesser-known tourist attractions, or special cultural classes, such as Beijing dumpling cooking class, Tai Chi class, calligraphy writing, Peking Opera face painting, and other special experience classes.

No matter where you are from, I will do my best to make your trip to Beijing a unique memory.

So please send me a message and we can plan your Beijing trip together!

Welcome to China

Sprachen Chinesisch, Englisch
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