Mohd Rashid ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indien


Namaste! dear travellers.Let's explore Incredible India.My name is Rashid & I'm a professional tour guide in Northern India, Approved & Licenced by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India. Working since 2009 as a English and Russian language guide. I have completed Diploma In Russian Language From Pushkin State Russian Language Institute , Moscow Russia I always focus on making the tour a comfortable and memorable one. Since 2009 I have tourists have given me pleasure by appreciating my work. i can definitely help you to find best places to have tasty local food in the city. I am pretty sure you will depart back only with loads of good memories. "give the chance,your chance can makes your journey memorable"!!! 

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Rupie (INR), Dollar (AUD)

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