Fo Etornam ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ghana

I am Jorge Davidson by Government but prefer to use my indigenous name ETORNAM, which is an EWE name meaning "He has heard or responded to me" . I am a Certified tour guide and the founder of adanuTours. I honored with over 3 years of guiding guests through the fascinating cities of Ghana with accurate and adequate knowledge about Ghana.

I develop itineraries depending on guest preferences, health and desires. Booking of hotels , transportation and suitable restaurants stress will not burden you because i will take care of that aspects as well.

Africa as a whole has rich cultural, historical and arts that the world needs to experience and witness, and that is my drive to guide people to all these amazing places and to participate in these as well. As a certified guide, I love rendering fascinating historical details, with lots of humor, I have designed excursions that captures imagination of guests, while offering a lot of flexibility to accommodate preferences, desires and health.

The tours I offer includes medicals research, historical, adventure, wildlife safari, cultural exchange, pleasure and romance, city tour, and all these are tailored to your preference, health and desire.

The moment you touch down on the soil of the motherland, you are my guest and i will schedule your tours to meet all your needs and budgets.

Booking my tours, these are the services included:

- Airport Pick up and Drop off

- Transportation

- Entrance Fees

- Logistics

Sprachen Englisch, Ewe, Französisch, Twi
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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