Asmaa titi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko


Hello, my name is Asmaa I am a licensed and enthusiastic tour guide from Rabat, on top of that I am working with a local NGO called Rabat sale Memoir, my role in this NGO is to educate schoolchildren about the importance of their tangible and intangible heritage. My most important goal is to make you fall in love with my charming city of Rabat and our beautiful country, Morocco, explaining its rich history, and diverse cultures as well as showing you its most interesting monuments and most beautiful culture. I have been doing city walking tours in English, Arabic , French, and Turkish for the past couple years, never lacking in commitment to our tourists and sharing love for my homeland. Tourism is not my job only, it is my hobby.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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