Gershon Howusu ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ghana

I am Gershon but you can call me Kofi, your enthusiastic Ghanaian tour guide ready to unveil the wonders of my homeland! From the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum to the Cape coast Castle , I'm eager to design a personalized adventure that ignites your passions.

Here's what sets me apart:

Insider Knowledge: Growing up in Ghana, I have a deep-rooted connection to Ghanaian culture, history, and those off-the-beaten-path treasures.

Captivating Narratives: I bring history to life with captivating storytelling, weaving folktales and local legends into the tapestry of your experience.

Customizable Adventures: Craving heart-pounding hikes or immersive cultural encounters? I curate the ideal itinerary to match your desires.

Multilingual Expertise: I speak fluent English and most Ghanaian Languages, ensuring clear communication and a smooth journey.

Embark on an extraordinary adventure through Ghana with me, where every turn unveils a captivating story waiting to be explored!

Sprachen Englisch, Ewe, Twi

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