Mohamed Yasser ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

Hello everyone!

I'm Mohamed and I'll be your local guide during the tour. Let's discover the culture and history of the city together. Let's go and visit interesting places like:

-TAHRIR SQUARE: (Store of the

Liberation") is the main square of the

Cairo and was the main venue of the 2011 protests.

-THE RIVER OF THE NILE : (Egypt is the gift of the Nile), we watch the beautiful sunset in front of the Nile cornice to relax the mind and reduce stress.

-QASR AL-NILE BRIDGE: The first bridge established in Egypt to cross the Nile, and is characterized by these four statues of lions sitting at the entrances of the bronze bridge .

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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