Kimia Ameri ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran


I'm Kimia , a budding tour guide based in Iran . My passion for Iran and its culture has led me to this exciting path of guiding visitors through its unique attractions.

Although I'm new to professional guiding, I've spent countless hours exploring Iran and learning about its history and culture.

I believe that every tour should be a memorable experience, so I aim to make each tour engaging and enjoyable and love to share the lesser-known facts and stories that make Iran special.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring new places in Iran, which often gives me fresh insights and interesting anecdotes to share on my tours. I may be new to this field, but I'm enthusiastic, dedicated, and ready to provide an unforgettable tour of Tehran. I look forward to meeting you and sharing the best that Iran has to offer!

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rial (IRR)

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