Elena Mitkovska ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nordmazedonien

Hello travelers and curious explorers! I am Elena, your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, here to accompany you on unforgettable journeys through the streets of Skopje, to help you discover the hidden corners and share the most authentic stories about my beautiful town Skopje. With a heart full of wanderlust and a deep appreciation for diverse cultures I decided to start one of the best jobs in the world - a tour guide. My mission as a tourist guide is to not just show you the iconic landmarks but to reveal the essence of each place we visit, to reveal the soul of Skopje and its surroundings. Beyond being your tour guide, I am here to become your new local friend, to share life and travel experience and to make new memories.

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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