Bilawal Khan ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kirgisistan

My greatest joy comes from sharing love for Kyrgyzstan with others. The outdoor adventures, a wide range of pursuits. From hiking and horse riding in the mountains to sampling local delicacies at bustling bazaars, the night life and clubbing, the pristine lakes, sharing a cup of tea and conversation with nomadic people, the rich tapestry of history and culture which defines this enchanting country.... I'm tired adding more words, why not just come and see by yourself.

For me Kyrgyzstan is like Switzerland in cheap price... hehe!

I mean seriously!!! What took you so long to choose Kyrgyzstan?

Sprachen Englisch, hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, persisch, Pushto, Russisch, Urdu
Währungen Dollar (USD), Som (KGS)

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