Diana Chamorro ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ecuador


Welcome to Ecuador, the land of diversity and natural wonders! Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure that immerses you in rich culture, the lush Amazon jungle, the majestic Andes mountains, and the heavenly beaches of the Pacific? Then you're in the right place!

As a tour guide, my goal is to ensure that your experience in Ecuador is absolutely unforgettable. Speaking English, you'll easily grasp the fascinating stories behind every place we visit. From vibrant indigenous markets to ancient Inca ruins, I assure you that every moment will be an opportunity to learn and immerse yourself in Ecuador's authenticity. But that's not all, I also want you to save money while having fun! With my guide, you'll have access to the best travel tips to optimize your budget. From budget-friendly accommodation options to local restaurants where you can taste delicious Ecuadorian cuisine without breaking the bank, I guarantee that your money will go a long way.

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