Jeroen Alst ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Mexiko, Guatemala

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We offer Private Day Tours and trips of several days to archeological sites and nature parks in English. Spanish, German, French, and Dutch in the Yucatan in a luxurious van with your own private official driver/guide. We offer Day tours to archeological sites like Chichen Itza, Coba, Tulum, Ek Balam. Don’t worry we won’t make it boring like a history class we will also include some water sinkholes to go for a swim. We also offer day tours and trips that combine culture with fun. Check out our very popular private day tour to Isla Mujeres. You on your own boat! You can go snorkeling in the ocean. Or come with us on a private tour to see Tulum and snorkel in fresh water and sea some amazing fish. What about chilling out and floating in a turquoise river? Please check out our day tours. We also offer trips of several days to explore the Yucatan.

My name is Jeronimo (Jeroen). I'm Mexican and European.

I studied economics with a specialization in International Management at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. I have always been fascinated by Latin America. After my studies I worked as a consultant, entrepreneur and commercial director in Belgium, Brazil, The Netherlands, Guatemala, and Argentina. I have been active in humanitarian aid in third world countries worldwide. I have travelled extensively to Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

I have worked as a tour conductor in France, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and Indonesia. Mexico is where I decided to stay twenty four years ago. I started off with groups of 20 people with trips of 28 days from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and back to Mexico. After this I switched to trips of 21 days visiting the same countries. After having visited each archeological site over 60 times, each time with another local guide, I decided to study Mexican History and Archeology, inspired by some of the local guides who told the tourists that the Mayas landed from Mars in spaceships.

I am specialized in Maya culture. Working with people and showing them different cultures is what fascinates me. In 2004 I started off with the big tour companies like TUI and Thomas Cook who commercialized the trips from 28 days and reduced it to 12 days. I did that for 10 years after which I took a break from tourism.

I started to work at the state and federal prosecutor's office and court as an interpreter for foreigners who got into trouble and as a translator for the embassies in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch and Portuguese. I went on as a private tour guide/driver for small groups.

Mexico is so beautiful, it has the most beautiful beaches in the world, so many archeological sites, it is the fifth most important country in the world regarding flora and fauna, and off course the people are so friendly you immediately feel at home. Then there is the weather the sun is shining almost every day. The nature is beautiful and diverse. The food is delicious, every region has its own specialty. Yes, there are other tourists but it is still possible to find quite spots that are not crowded and rarely known by mass crowds.

I offer private day tours and multi day tours to all archeological sites and nature parks transportation included, for a maximum of 6 people in English, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish. I can adapt the tour according to the wishes and budget of the people from extremely luxurious to economical.

Official Mexican Tour Guide in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Portuguese

Master's degree in economics with a specialization in International Management from Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Postgraduate course Mexican history and archeology University La Salle, Cancun, Mexico

Federal driver's license

Translator and interpreter authorized by the Superior Court of Quintana Roo, México in English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Peso (MXN)

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