Aiya Ishmukhamedova ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Singapur, Südkorea, Kasachstan

hello, dear tourist! I will be glad to guide you in Astana city and around, to show you beauty of our city and nature around, since i have been living abroad, i have seen my country from far away and now i can say that Kazakhstan has a unique nature and culture to share with tourists, if you are planning to visit Astana from october to march during this period its quite cold here, so you should be equipped with really warm wool clothes, our winter is amazing, neverthelles its cold, but its magical,

if you are not lover of extreme cold weather, then its better to visit us during summer time starting from late april till end of august, or september! thanks, best regards, Aiya!

Sprachen Englisch, Kasachisch, Koreanisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Tenge (KZT)

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