Ahmad Alotaibi ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Saudi Arabien, Singapur, Schweiz

I am Ahmad, a Saudi Bedouin from the Alotaibi tribe. I hold a Master of Arts in Hospitality Management from the Swiss Hotel Management School in Switzerland, ranked as the second-best hospitality school in the world. Additionally, I earned a Bachelor of Business degree from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I am a Saudi certified tour guide with license number 40002864.

My professional journey spans diverse experiences across working in Singapore, and Switzerland. I am deeply passionate about travel, cultures, arts, and hospitality, health and wellness.

I have organized wellness retreats in destinations such as Bali, Phuket, and Saudi Arabia, combining my expertise in hospitality with my commitment to promoting well-being.

Additionally, I have led cultural, artist, and historical tours across Saudi Arabia, sharing the rich heritage of the Kingdom with visitors from around the globe as I am original Saudi Bedouin.


1-Cultural and Historical Tours, such as Diriyah and At-Turaif Tours, National Museum Tours, and Souk Al Zal Shopping Experiences.

2- Bespoke Guided Experiences.

3- Natural and Leisure Experiences, Explore Saudi's natural beauty through, Bedouin tours, camel trips, guided walks, Mud houses, and outdoor desert camping.

4- Workshops and Interactive Experiences such as Traditional Saudi crafts, culinary arts, Storytelling sessions, and cultural workshops.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dollar (AUD), Pfund (GBP), Riyal (SAR)

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