Sprache Englisch, hebräisch, Russisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

We'll start from visiting 4000 years old Jaffa, with its sites dating from the Pharaohs, through the Crusades times and until Napoleon' invasion and defeat.

According to Christian legend, Jaffa was named after Noah's son, Japheth, who built it after the Flood. There are others who believe that the name derives, reasonably, from the Hebrew word "Yofi" - beauty. Historians believe that Jaffa is the only port in the world which can boast uninterrupted inhabitation throughout its entire existence.

The biblical account mentions that the cedars from Lebanon for the construction of King Solomon's Temple came in via Jaffa. And even Prophet Jonah departed from this very city in his flight from God’ will.

City of Tel-Aviv is only 100 years old, and it is flourishing with young life and is full of hidden beauties, behind each corner.

European and Colonial architecture, history of wars and peace, modern Western culture and Middle-Eastern life style - all that is mixed together into a tight knot and ensures an unforgettable experience

We'll walk the first boulevard of this "White City", as it has been called by UNESCO, which has declared it a World Heritage Site - Rothschild Boulevard with its modern sky-scrappers, Art-Nuevo villas and world-famous pearls of German Bauhaus architecture.

We’ll finally visit beautifully renovated Tel-Aviv Port, which once had seen hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants disembarking from shabby ships, to start new life in Israel. From here famous Jaffa oranges were sent though all over the world, creating a synonym of Jaffa being sweet and tasty. But today it is one of the hottest places in town. During the day, the cafes and stores host some of the city’s richest and trendiest, while at night, the Port transforms into one of Tel Aviv’s most popular nightlife venues.


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